In early 1983, I was experimenting with the popular use of plastic wrap placed on top of a watercolor wash. Also during this time, I was flying to South Texas to visit a friend. The two events collided together when I pulled the plastic off the full sheet of watercolor paper. I saw what looked like the aerial view of the Texas river deltas emptying in to the Gulf of Mexico.
I went back into the areas with opaque white and various earth tones with different hash stroke patterns to represent the delta earth and sand. It was the only painting I made using plastic wrap. The warm tones with white lines are still very interesting. I own this painting and will continue to do experimental art.
The first show was “The Arizona Artists’ Guild, Horizon Show 1983,” at the Valley National Bank, Phoenix, Arizona, March 3, 1993, Juror, Darlene Goto. Second Place Watercolor, Merchant Award.
“Women Creating Tomorrow Fine Art Competition,” Sedona Art Center, Sdeona, Arizona, May 7-8, 1983, Juror, Edna Fuerth Lemle, artist and owner of The Glad Mirror Gallery, New York City, New York.
“Scottsdale Artists League Show, The Salamander ’84,” Camelview Plaza, Scottsdale, Arizona, March 4-10, 1984, Jury, Jacqueline B. Schultz, James Ballenger, Raleigh Kinney.
“The Edmond Art Association Juried Expo ’85,” Kresge Fine Art Center, Oklahoma Christian College, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June 27-July 11, 1985, Juror, Katy Scales.